As part of it's community organising work, EngageMalvern works in cooperation with Citizens UK.
Citizens UK is a registered charity, number:1107264. It consists of a network of local citizens alliances which are made up of dues-paying member institutions representing faith institutions, universities, colleges, schools, trade unions and community groups. Across the network Citizens UK has over 450 civil society institutions in membership, all committed to working together for the common good.
Citizens UK develops leadership capacity of its members so they can hold politicians and other decision-makers to account on the issues that matter to them.
Citizens UK organises communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good. It is the home of community organising in the UK, with diverse civil society alliances in London, Milton Keynes, Nottingham, Birmingham, Wales, Manchester, Tyne and Wear and Leeds.
Community organising is democracy in action winning victories that change lives and transform communities.